It doesn't always have to be the expensive original: A Nanoleaf alternative is cheaper and usually achieves the same effect.Here are some great examples!Nanoleaf is a decorative LED lighting from the manufacturer of the same name.You can install the many variants of the very popular accessory, for example on the ceiling or wall, and in this way put your apartment in a very special light.The technology is smart, because ideally you control the LED modules with your mobile phone.The catch is that the LED panels are quite expensive.For example, you still pay just under 150 euros (ORP 200 euros) for the Nanoleaf Shapes Triangle Starter Kit at Amazon, at least in a pack of 9:Affiliate Link Nanoleaf Shapes Triangle Starter Kit 149.00 € 199.99 € -25% Buy on Amazon>>Here are the shapes in 4 |5 |9s |Pack of 15<