Thanks to Comcast network investments.
D emand for fast, reliable networking solutions is at an all-time high for businesses and individuals alike. In fact, our data shows that peak network traffic growth continued to climb past record-highs set in 2020 during the Covid pandemic. And entertainment activities continue to dominate overall network traffic, with video streaming accounting for 71 percent of downloads on Comcast’s network.
Comcast has met this demand head-on. During the unprecedented shift in network usage throughout the pandemic, Comcast kept America connection and we continue to make it even better. In 2021 alone, we invested more than $4.2 billion to strengthen, expand and evolve our network – more than any previous year. From 2017 to 2021, we invested $20 billion total to evolve and grow our network, as well as built out 50,000 new miles of fiber.
Recently, Comcast announced an expansion to Eagle Mountain and coverage for additional homes in Northern Utah .
“We live and work in Utah, and our commitment is to deliver innovative, reliable and affordable broadband service to everyone in our footprint,” says Chris Dunkeson, VP technical operations, Comcast Mountain West Region, which includes Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona. “The company contributed $416.1M in technology and infrastructure improvements statewide in the last three years alone.”
Aside from computers, there are a bevvy of WiFi-enabled devices – including smartphones, security camera systems, smart outlets, color-changing lightbulbs and thermostats – that our customers rely on, every day. In 2021 alone, Comcast connected nearly a billion unique devices to WiFi in Xfinity households, a 12-fold increase from 2018.
Comcast pairs its network advancements with smart WiFi solutions that ensure connection however and wherever customers want. Such solutions include:
With more people and businesses connecting in new and remote locations, a strong, secure network backbone is critical to help ensure fast, reliable connections aren’t disrupted. Two key network backbone components are cybersecurity and managed services.
Cyberattacks are up compared to a decade ago, and there are now dozens more unique attacks. Comcast is making regular investments into its cybersecurity solutions, and it’s paying off – in 2020 alone, Comcast Business SecurityEdge blocked more than 583 million botnet, malware and phishing threats.
Comcast can proactively troubleshoot any issues across multiple points of service, removing the burden from our customers. Managed services are also in demand. Businesses and households managing their own networks will often experience internet connection issues but will be left on their own to troubleshoot,
which can lead to costly or inconvenient delays in network service.
As network trends and demands change over time, so too will Comcast to fit the needs of its customers. These days, network offerings are more flexible, allowing Comcast to tailor its packages to fit the needs and budgetary restraints of its customers. This means that more businesses and households are empowered via their providers to invest in their network solutions.
Comcast is always pursuing broader network technology upgrades, working to accelerate its 10G roadmap while expanding its network to serve more people in more places, as well as deploying new technology innovations that deliver more speed, security, and reliability to its customers.
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Founder + CEO, deneiva explores, LLC | External Affairs Director, Comcast Mountain West Region – Media Relations, Government Affairs, Community Impact | LinkedIn: @DeneivaKnight After 15+ years of leading communications strategies for non-profits and a Fortune 50 company, Deneiva launched deneiva explores, LLC in 2020 with the mission to inspire folks to get outside and enjoy all the benefits nature has to offer. With deneiva explores, outdoorsy newbies can access fun and unique outdoorsy content + digital guides, and hiking and camping itineraries. She is passionate about living each day versus waiting for the weekend, and helping other underrepresented groups explore the outdoors. Deneiva Knight is the director of external Affairs for Comcast, with more than 15 years of experience leading local government affairs, media relations, and community impact initiatives. Deneiva joined the Comcast family in 2013. First in Arizona and then relocated to Utah in 2016. Before joining Comcast, Deneiva held a Project and Contract Manager position with a defense aerospace company. She worked for nearly ten years and was promoted three times before leaving the Company to pursue a career as the Communications Director for the YMCA of Southern Arizona. Her military career started just three days after graduating high school. She completed basic training in Fort Jackson, SC, and finished AIT at Fort Lee, VA. Deneiva is a United Way of Greater Salt Lake board member, Neighborhood House of Utah board member, State of Utah COVID Task Force member and Digital Equity Workgroup chair, Economic Development Corp. of Utah DEI committee member, Utah Women’s Leadership Institute graduate, Chamberwest Leadership Institute graduate, a past mentor as part of Comcast’s Linked 2 Leadership Program, and the past chair of Comcast Mountain West Region Black Employee Network Employee Resource Group. She has a master’s degree in Strategic Communications from Westminster College in SLC and a degree in Business Administration. |Insights: OO|OO Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Stay in-touch with our Blog DIGITAL AND SOCIAL EQUITY | With Project Up, Comcast has made a $1 billion commitment to reach 50 million people and close the digital divide. Through programs like Internet Essentials, Lift Zones, and RISE, Comcast and our partners are creating a future of unlimited possibilities. Learn more about our impact.
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